Friday, December 30, 2011

A great way to end the year

We went to see Krisi the day after Christmas and she was doing remarkably well.
In the middle of that night she called me and told me she was feeling awful. 
The pain was horrendous, her heart rate was fast and she was running a temperature.
After witnessing what she went through during her c-section, I wasn't all that surprised.
 Healing from a c-section is hard enough, but then having to face the obstacles Krisi had...Sean was extremely helpful to her.
He's a natural!
Their first family picture
Alex loves to snuggle.
He is snuggling with me here, while mom is in the bathroom 
Mmmm hmmm...I'm in love
 I am so grateful for the care that Krisi received while at the Toledo Hospital.
I'm sure that each and everyone of my friends give all of their patients their best, but they each went above and beyond to make sure Krisi and Alex got the BEST of the BEST care.
They made me proud to be a part!
Alex is a breastfeeding champ!
He cluster feeds and then goes into his milk coma
By early Wednesday morning, Krisi was at the peak of her frustration.  We talked for a while and I offered if she might like to have me put out a request for prayers and have Jeff come to give her a blessing.  She jumped at the opportunity!
Jeff and Dad Cady came up on Wednesday and administered a blessing.  Mom put Krisi's name on the prayer rolls of the Detroit and Columbus temples and we had several people praying in Krisi's behalf.
Krisi began to feel better from that time on.
 By Friday Krisi was ready for discharge.  Even though she was excited to go home, she was unsure if her body was ready yet.  I went up to the hospital to help reassure her and help in getting her ready to head home. 
Divya and Shauna came up for one last visit before they left.
 This was Divya's first time meeting Alex
 Dad's training him into being a sports fan
 Krisi ready to head home with her little guy
 Thank you, thank you to all who had a part in helping Krisi through all of this
All loaded in the car and ready to head home

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Dear Santa

 I had been spending much of my spare time this week up at the hospital helping with Krisi and baby Alexander.
Her frustration was peaking and her progress in getting better was moving very slowly.
Mom and Dad were already planning to come up today to have dinner with us, Uncle Randy, Aunt Becky and Carmen...
so I asked Jeff if he would come up and administer a blessing to Krisi (Jonathan was working)
When we finished there we headed back to my place to get supper ready.
 Dad liked playing on the new pool table
 He liked even more, smooching Mom on my couch!
It was a fun evening full of good food, good company, and playing Headbanz with Nicholas

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Simons Christmas 2011

 Once I knew that Krisi and Alexander were stable, I rushed home picked up my crew and we headed to our annual Simons Christmas Celebration at Chris and Diane's

Grampa Tom with Netania and Nicole on his lap
 Nic and Jonathan
 Time to open presents
 Jamie hiding, Chad, Cody and Kyle

 Opening the gifts
 Dylan checking out Nicholas' gift.  Nicholas is really into remote control cars this year.
 The older ones got banks with money in it...the perfect size, color, and gift
 Dylan opening his gift
It was such a special Christmas this year.  We were really able to feel the Christmas Spirit in our home and around us.  The kids were gracious with the gifts they received.  The love was felt.  And best of all, baby Alexander joined our family

A great way to spend Christmas

 Krisi had been laboring for a few days now, but the true blue labor kicked in on Christmas Eve.
She had been in touch with me throughout the day, and I sent her to the hospital around 5 pm
We had the Lake/Cady Family Christmas Exchange to attend.
So I came up to the hospital around 10.
Krisi had just received Nubain and was pretty astounded at the amount of pain these contractions could cause.
As soon as her nurse came in, we requested the epidural and worked on getting her more comfortable.
It took a couple of tries to get the epidural in, but soon we had a much more comfortable Krisi.
We had been told Dr. Judis was going to come in (who was on for Dr. Bishop).
I wasn't inclined to go home and have to come back, so I just stayed the night.
We were only able to get a couple of hours of sleep that night.
 Kim Palmer was her nurse through out the night.
We thought sure she would be her delivery nurse too,
but Alex wasn't quite ready yet.

 Krisi labored well on her own...contracting regularly the entire time and never needing any Pitocin to help her along.  The nurse's shift changed and Diana Tolles became Krisi's nurse. 
I needed to go home and unwrap Christmas presents with the kids.
I left Diana with strict instructions not to let Krisi deliver without me there.
The kids had a great Christmas Morning and were very appreciative of their gifts.
We felt the Christmas spirit in our home and enjoyed our time together.
I showered and dressed and headed back up to the hospital.
Krisi was completely dilated, but they were allowing her to "labor down" (which just allows the baby to move down the birth canal naturally as opposed to pushing).
Krisi began feeling pressure and the pushing began.
Dr. Beck was now the doctor on and she did such a fabulous job working with Krisi and supporting her during her pushes. 
For three hours, Dr. Beck, David Podboy (medical student), Diana, Sean and I cheerleaded Krisi through pushing.
Krisi was a great "pusher", but after three hours Dr. Beck announced that Krisi's pelvis was too narrow to allow Alex's head to come through.
We needed to go for a C-section.
 Sean and Diana Tolles with Krisi before rolling her back for her c-section
 Lucky for me, since I am an employee on our floor, I was allowed to go back with her as well.
 We never anticipated how difficult Krisi's c-section would be.
She was on the operating table for three hours.
Between having a difficult time reaching her uterus, struggling to get Alex out, Krisi's bleeding not stopping, and questioning if they had damaged parts leading to her Uterus or Bladder...the surgery just continued on and on.  Krisi could feel a great deal of the pressure associated with this and struggled with laying there that long.  Sean was such a great support to her.  He said and did everything she needed.  He is such a great guy!
 At 12:45 pm on Christmas Day
Alexander Steven Vadnais
was born to Krisi and Sean Vadnais
Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas little one!
Alex was projected to be a 9-10 pounder.
Imagine our surprise when he only weighed 7 lbs 15 oz and was 20 3/4 inches long
Alex just got goop in his eyes
 He's really not sure what to think of all of this
He has ten fingers and ten toes...He is PERFECT!
 His toes are like fingers
 Daddy showing off the size of his hands
Daddy holds Alex's hand
Mommy finally gets to see her little guy for the first time.
It was killing her that she couldn't hold him.
Kisses will have to do for now.
 With all she was going through, Krisi would do it again and more for the health and well-being of Alex.
 Sean gets to hold Alex for the very first time
 He's a natural and already such a great daddy
 Welcome to the world Alex!
We love you more than you could ever know
The c-section took longer than they anticipated.
The staff was busy helping with Krisi's surgery.
So I volunteered to take Alex to the nursery and get him warmed up, vitals, assessed, bathed and foot prints.
I gave him his very first bath.
Can't you tell how much he was enjoying it?

 Then he got his hair washed
 Now that wasn't so bad
Scrubbing his head
So much better...
now "Where's my mommy?"
Karen Nusbaum does Alex's footprints

I sent some pictures to Sean's phone to help Krisi along during her surgery...
Alex is saying "Hi mom and dad!  I miss you already!"
 As soon as they got Krisi into recovery, I brought her back her little man!
Life was good again...Alex was in her arms.
The greatest gifts we ever receive.
Welcome to the world and our family little one